Paradise Dermatology needed a top-notch medical office renovation, so they called Wessel Construction for help. The practice provider, Dr. Michelle Pennie, is one of only a handful of dermatologists in Sarasota who is fellowship trained in Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Wessel needed to not only create a comfortable environment in patient areas, but also to efficiently accommodate the Mohs procedure.
Wessel updated exam rooms, office environment, and especially important, the Mohs surgery rooms. The Paradise Dermatology client slated a portion of the built-out space for a full pathology lab. As a result, the lab serves not only Dr. Pennie’s needs, it also provides a lab option for other doctors in the area.
The medical office renovation by Wessel Construction continues to help this esteemed practitioner aid more dermatology patients more efficiently. Now that’s something we feel good about.