Church of Hope


Church Build



Forging Fellowship

If you’ve driven down I-75 in Sarasota day or night, then no doubt you’ve seen Wessel work, thanks to the landmark 150’ Church of Hope steeple, part of the company’s comprehensive exterior/interior church build.

But this beacon of hope is just the tip of an ambitious $10 million house-of-worship project. Wessel also completed a thousand-seat, state-of-the-art sanctuary. Additionally, Wessel built out a full commercial kitchen, vibrantly themed children’s and youth spaces, and classrooms throughout the building.

During this three-year process, Wessel worked seamlessly with the organization’s leadership, its architect, engineering firm, lender and other stakeholders to collaboratively create from concrete, glass and steel the client’s vision for an uplifting Church of Hope worship experience.

  • Exterior and interior church build
  • $10 million, three-year project
  • State-of-the-Art technology
  • Unique 150’ steeple
  • 17,000 Sq. Ft.
  • Multiple stakeholders

  • Tom and his employees . . . recognize that the owner’s goals and objectives are to become theirs and as a result, Wessel Construction employees share with pride in the completed project.

    Scott Young Pastor

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